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Wellbeing & Mindset
Nurture Optimism Creative Partnership Adaptable
1:1 and Small Group Programmes

The Super Hero Project
A 12 week programme for a child/ small group of children and their supportive adult within the primary phase. The supportive adult may be a teacher, SENDco, ELSA, LSA, TA and may also include a parent/ carer. This is an ideal programme for schools who want to give a child/ren the knowledge, understanding and skills to navigate challenge. We work with schools exploring a variety of themes including anxiety, challenges around school, transitions, building confidence and self esteem, mindset, understanding emotions and behavioural responses, relationship building, self and co-regulation, helpful and unhelpful coping strategies, learning attitude and resilience. The adults take part in the sessions and lead implementation of learning between sessions to ensure maximum impact. We cultivate a nurturing and optimistic environment where self-reflection and metacognition is highly encouraged (by the child and adult), without judgement. Our creative and adaptable approach supports the building of healthy and connected relationships.  The programme uses theories and practices from psycho-education, mindfulness, yoga philosophy and neuro-linguisitic programming to create a tool kit of knowledge and skills. This empowers us to make profound change! Sessions are 1:1 and are tailored to meet the needs of the child/children.
The Power of Us
A 12 week programme for a young person/ small group of young people and their supportive adult within the secondary phase. The supportive adult may be a teacher, mentor, SENDco, ELSA, LSA, TA and may also include a parent/ carer. This is an ideal programme for schools who want to give a young person/small group the knowledge, understanding and skills to navigate challenge. We work with schools exploring a variety of themes including anxiety, challenges around school, transitions, building confidence and self esteem, mindset, understanding emotions and behavioural responses, relationship building, self and co-regulation, helpful and unhelpful coping strategies, learning attitude and resilience. The adults take part in the sessions and lead implementation of learning between sessions to ensure maximum impact. We cultivate a nurturing and optimistic environment where self-reflection and metacognition is highly encouraged (by the child and adult), without judgement. Our creative and adaptable approach supports the building of healthy and connected relationships.  The programme uses theories and practices from psycho-education, mindfulness, yoga philosophy and neuro-linguisitic programming to create a tool kit of knowledge and skills. This empowers us to make profound change! Sessions are 1:1 and are tailored to meet the needs of the child/children.
The Power of Us
Whole Class Programmes

Mindset Training Through Yoga
Mindset Training through Yoga is a integral programme addressing the missing connection between physical education and psycho-education. We combine the physical practice of yoga with mindset and wellbeing training to help individuals develop the skills of emotional intelligence and resilience. We deliver this termly programme in schools, during curriculum time, with whole classes and their class teacher. A partnership between Mindful Brain, the teacher and the child/ren is fundamental for cultivating the skills of emotional intelligence and resilience. Many schools fund this programme through the Sports Grant. This programme is not suitable for class cover or PPA sessions; it involves full participation and commitment by the class teacher involved. Each week, guidance is shared for class practice and suggestions made for building a classroom culture which promotes resilience. The class teacher is responsible for implementing this. The aims of the programme incorporates the development of both mental and physical health and wellbeing. We aim to introduce, develop, and enhance the skills of resilience and emotional intelligence We regard resilience as 'using skills to bounce back and forward from challenge'. The key personal skills we explore to build resilience includes: -Self Awareness -An ability to ask for help -Taking responsibility for brain health and wellbeing. -Knowing and using strategies to self-regulate -Identifying emotions -Trusting others -Having a sense of control -Helpful self- beliefs and perceptions The teacher CPD and implementation aims to build a classroom culture that helps build resilience by promoting: -Supportive, collaborative environment -A sense of purpose and autonomy -Safe to take risks and ask for help -Positive and ‘growth' focused feedback We regard emotional intelligence as 'using knowledge and skills to understand and manage emotions experienced, as well as recognising and influencing the emotions of those around us.' The key personal and interpersonal skills we explore to build emotional intelligence includes : -Understanding, identifying and expressing emotions. -Self-regulation -Motivation -Empathy -Social Skills The aims related to physical health includes: introduce, develop and enhance the skills of: -Balance -Flexibility -Coordination and control -Stamina -Strength -Body awareness -Choreography -Evaluation

An introductory workshop ideal for schools who are committed to an early, proactive approach to supporting mental wellbeing. This ‘one off workshop’ is ideal for a mental health and wellbeing themed event, or for a targeted class/es. Through team, creative, interactive and practical activities, children and their teachers learn about reactions to challenge and how to self and co regulate to reset from challenges and to prepare for challenges. The class is empowered with the knowledge and tools to respond to challenge with resilience. Suggestions of further implementation is shared with the class teacher. With Mindful Brain’s therapeutic approach, the teacher learns just as much from this as the children! Schools often fund this programme through the Pupil Premium Grant or Catch Up funding, others use their main school budget, PTA or an inclusion budget.
Get Creative! Get Calm!
​Art and Wellbeing are amalgamated to form the ‘Get Creative and Get Calm’ workshop. This is idea for a class or group of children in the primary phase, as part of a themed week, to compliment the curriculum or as an extra- curricular activity. The workshop is perfect for schools who are keen to invest in support for all children and implement a daily 'calm' practice. To begin, the children learn about parts of the brain related to emotions and what they can do to encourage calm in their day. They then get their hands messy creating their very own ‘calm box’ of tools to support self-regulation. We find when children make their own resources and are taught how to use them, they are more motivated to use them to get ready for the day ahead or when challenges arise. This workshop is also ideal for trainee teachers as part of the art focused BAed, PGCE and Schools Direct programmes.
Staff and Parent Training

The 'Big A' Anxiety Workshop
A 4 week online workshop focusing on anxiety. This is the ideal starting point for schools who are committed to learn ways to support a child experiencing anxiety. What's included? -4 live online training sessions -Access to e-resources to support implementation -A supportive network of educators going through a similar experience to you -Specialist advice and guidance after the 4 weeks* -Access to further support programmes offered by Mindful Brain Live online sessions: -In Session 1, we will explore what anxiety is, how it affects the mind, brain, and body, and identify signs and symptoms to look out for. We will also examine anxiety triggers, types of anxiety, and debunk myths about anxiety. We will begin our journey to learn ways to support a child. -In Session 2, we will focus on how to help a child during those peak moments of heightened anxiety. You will learn the best approach to use in this ‘crisis state’, when reasoning and rationalising is out of the window! -In Session 3, we will learn how to reflect on peak moments and plan ahead to prepare for potential triggers. This will empower you and a child. With a collaborative approach you will feel more connected, confident, and prepared to bust anxiety. -In our final session, Session 4, we will equip you with all the tools you need to prep and reset; cultivating emotional intelligence and resilience in the classroom! You will leave the session with a tool kit full of knowledge and skills to implement within your school. Find out more and book here:

Staff Mental Wellbeing
This training programme empowers staff with the insight and tools to look after their own mental wellbeing, enabling them to thrive in life.  It is ideal for staff members within an education setting who value wellbeing and are open to be responsible and accountable for their own wellbeing by becoming more self-aware, implementing knowledge and using helpful coping strategies. The Staff Mental Wellbeing training is usually delivered as an INSET and is broken into 3 sections: 1) The importance of connection/ team building (a practical session which aims to cultivate a supportive environment) 2) A mini-retreat (a moment to practise self-help tools and self-reflect) 3) Workshops (In groups exploring the fundamental skills to build resilience and emotional intelligence, the similarities and differences between anxiety and stress and the meaning of mental health and wellbeing. Within each workshop we have opportunities to self-reflect, discuss and learn tools and techniques to develop as individuals). The training includes theories and practices from psycho-education, mindfulness, yoga and neuro-linguistic programming. We also run this training with trainee teachers as part of their Initial Teacher Training and ECTs. Delivery options include; half a day INSET a full day INSET or a series of twilight sessions. ‘A broken hose, cannot water the flowers’. Children can blossom in the care of an adult who looks after their own mental wellbeing first'.

A Mindful Response
to Behaviour
A Mindful Response to Behaviour
This is a two part coaching programme focusing on teaching behaviours to support mental wellbeing.  It's not ‘controlling’ a class that’s important. What’s important is being proactive to implement strategies to create a safe and nurturing environment which teaches prosocial and good learning behaviours. It’s important to respond to unsocial, anti-social and ineffective learning behaviours in a way that supports social, emotional and academic development. It’s important to create a safe environment which enables mental wellbeing. This is what makes the difference. This is the environment to cultivate where life skills are learnt. This starts with the adults! The programme is ideal for trainee teachers, ECTs, experienced teachers, support staff, early years professionals, coaches and leaders who are open to implement therapeutic tools to create a learning environment which supports mental wellbeing. The first part of this training builds an understanding of psychological and physiological reactions that impact behaviour and practical, proactive approaches to boost prosocial behaviours. The second part of the training focuses on responding to children who are dysregulated or distressed, showing unsocial or anti social behaviours.  Schools often fund this programme through the Pupil Premium Grant or Catch-Up funding, others use their main school budget, CPD, PTA or inclusion budget.